Exist , But not for others!

All of us accept this that our moods and state of mind are controlled by someone or the other. Is it because these phrases “You smile, I smile” ; “You cry, I cry”, suddenly make sense to you? When someone tells you this, it just makes you feel so special and you just apparently reserve a place for yourself in that person’s heart.

But have you ever questioned yourself as to why that individual has the rights to affect you so deeply that even you can’t?! Wise enough. Isn’t it?
Frankly , you cannot let someone do that to you. Giving that liberty to someone is equivalent to giving them the right to hurt you and eventually leaving you to deal with the pain.
So tell yourself that no matter what the consequences are you’ll get through them without being a puppet to someone’s frame of mind. Be your own guide tool. Be cheerful for yourself, sulk for your own self.
Stop living on other’s terms. Start existing.
Hold yourself accountable for all the little mood swings taking within you. No one can control you, until you give them the opportunity to leave you in a vulnerable state.
Rather than being with someone that makes you happy; BE SOMEONE THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!

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